Sanem Kalfa – vocals, electronics
Joachim Badenhorst – clarinet, electronics
George Dumitriu – guitars, viola, effects
A Turkish female vocalist/cellist from coastal Trabzon, a guitarist/violist from Bacău in the Romanian inland and, as a wild card, a Flemish clarinetist/saxophonist from Antwerp, three true characters with a longer conjoint musical practice, met in the urban delta of The Lowlands to work on a variety of songs originating from the Black Sea. Jointly Sanem Kalfa, George Dumitriu and Joachim Badenhorst scraped out their own essences form the oscillations of various sonic edges and folded interiors, thereby joyously inscribing richly morphing forms into the ether.
Clearing up the air to give breath to ten of these old songs they feel close to, these three musicians let emerge a selection of Turkish, Georgian, Lazi, Pontus Greek and Tatarian origin to receive illumination and shine. Far from delivering newly polished up versions, they draw us into the process of their momentary discovery of these long-lived songs. They catch them on the edge of emergence, in their transient volatility, at their merging and fading sides as well as in their full brightness and at their most playfully prancing and bouncing character.
Kalfa, Dumitriu and Badenhorst form a complementary trinity of a special kind. Kalfa, the dedicated ‘she, who sings’, is the extravert, outgoing part. By snake-like introduction of her enlivening impulses, she initiates and imbues wild, soft and whispering wanderings. Dumitriu, with his atmospheric sensitivity, his vigilant awareness of form and shape, sets prudent accents as well as slightly puckish vectors at surprising moments. Badenhorst, then, is the wild card: attentively present, he is all ears and serves as a grounding force enshrouding the rising florescence and merge of the frequencies. May it open and enjoy listeners’ ears, connect to their inner melody and enrich it beyond the known and beaten track.
Henning Bolte

Press quotes
A jewel, this collection of traditional songs from the Black Sea area. Reed player Badenhorst and guitarist/viola player Dumitriu are both masters in subtly coloring the music and enhancing its emotionality so unequivocally. And they give all the space to Sanem Kalfa and her unforget- tably penetrating voice.
Mischa Andrissen – Trouw
Black Sea Songs is a beautiful album that should appeal to lovers of old songs from the region as well as more adventurous music lovers.
The audience is taken on an exciting journey and is rightly enthusiastic from the start. Sanem Kalfa, George Dumitriu and Joachim Badenhorst took the audience on a fascinating and inspiring journey along the Black Sea this evening. A journey that will be remembered for a long time to come.
Dick Govenga – writteninmusic.com
These musicians are characters that are not afraid of taking up the challenge of emerging rough sides instead of smoothing the music out. They make use of extended/experimental techniques but never in a detached or freaking-out manner but by focusing on the song’s inner nature, own potentials and character. It was a fine and strong concert in all relevant dimensions presented at a great location…
Hanning Bolte – Salt Peanuts