George Dumitriu – violin, viola, guitar
Mattia Magatelli – double bass, electric bass
Kristijan Krajncan – drums, cello
Dumitriu’s main project for a while, the trio has a long-standing history of performing together on the European jazz scene. They released two albums, Future Nostalgia and Proverbe, and an online series of music videos in the pandemic, called So Far So Near.
DUMItRIO’s music is inspired by jazz, Romanian folk music, free improvisation, electronica and chamber music.
Press quotes
“..generates a captivating atmosphere, informed by Romanian folk music and buttressed by the readings of native proverbs and unstructured improvisations.” – Karl Ackermann, All About Jazz
“Het ensemblegeluid is een intrigerende en in elkaar overvloeiende mengeling van jazz, folk and moderne kamermuziekachige klanken die vooral spannend worden gemaakt door de uitwisselingen tussen de musici.” – Ken Vos, Jazzism
“The fascinating string sounds are reminiscent of the ambient music of Brian Eno. This makes ‘Proverbe’ a very varied cd” – Herman te Loo, Jazzflits
“Modern without dazzling, daring, but without enforcing the limits of broadly understood accessibility, the cosmopolitan trio with Dutch residence knew how to break out of common places and build its own coherent and attractive expression.” – jazz de-a dreptu’